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In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that:

1. Legal information
Site manager:
Leslie Levadoux
Professional photographer

Microbusiness :
Leslie Levadoux Photographer
The Richards
07200 Saint Etienne de Boulogne
Phone: +33 (0) 6 21 40 33 24

SIRET: 85093776400015 RCS AUBENAS
NAF: 7420Z

CNIL Declaration N ° 1402452

Internet design & hosting & SEO: WIX

2. Limitation of liability
The user acknowledges having read these conditions of use and undertakes to respect them. The user of this website acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. The owners make every effort to provide users with information and / or tools available and verified but can not be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of features and / or the presence of viruses on its site. The owners cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on its site. Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility.

3. Computing and Freedoms
In application of the amended law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the website has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and des Libertés ( for the processing of customer files / NS-48 prospect.
CNIL Declaration N ° 1402452
It is the subject of the Exemption n ° 6 - Deliberation n ° 2005-284 of November 22, 2005 deciding the exemption from declaration of the websites disseminating or collecting personal data implemented by individuals within the framework of a exclusively personal activity.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

6. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The website complies with the GDPR regulations which came into force on May 25, 2018. We inform users of this site and our customers that data is collected either to improve the user experience or to allow follow-up of requests or management of customer accounts. The Data Protection Offiers (DPO) is Leslie LEVADOUX. In accordance with the GDPR, data is collected for a maximum of one year. The data is:

  • Browsing data: browser, operating system, type of media, country or location, IP address

  • Processing data: name, first name, email, telephone, postal address, type of request and message.

  • Customer data: order, estimate, maintenance tickets, connection date

As such, we inform you that your personal data has never been and will at no time be provided to third-party companies, nor used for marketing purposes. All treatments and programs are managed internally and no subcontracting company is involved in our processes. We do not use any third party "programs" in our processing and all TooEasy "code" is developed in-house.

All of our databases are secure and backed up daily. Access to the site is via the secure https protocol with a latest generation certificate. Your passwords are of course encrypted before being saved in our databases. You have access to all of your data at any time and on request. This request must be made to the DPO at the address    (N ° DPO-17218) and the sending of your data will be effective within a maximum period of one month.

When you request the deletion of your account, all of your data is deleted, including your website, database and email data. We keep no copies.

7. Intellectual property
Unless otherwise indicated, the logos, graphics, brands and / or signs appearing on this site, including but not limited to, are registered trademarks and may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent.

8. Accessibility / web standards
The disability law was adopted on February 3, 2005. In its internet section, it requires online administration sites to become “accessible to people with disabilities”. The official decree was published in May 2009 and requires administrations to comply with the date of May 16, 2012.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

These standards are essential for websites. They allow to have:
• Better compatibility between Internet browsers
• Reading of the programming code by the technical devices of disabled people. An error in the code can cause partial readability of the page by these software.

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